Bumblebee Goby 2cm


The Bumblebee Goby is a small, relatively peaceful fish that does not tolerate intrusion into its territory. It features a long thin body that is black with yellow or gold stripes.

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The Bumblebee Goby is a small, relatively peaceful fish that does not tolerate intrusion into its territory. It features a long thin body that is black with yellow or gold stripes.

The ideal set-up is an aquarium with brackish water and plenty of plants and rocks providing the Gobies with ample hiding places. Although they do well in a community setting, they will thrive the best in the company of only their own species.

Even though they live in the brackish water, the addition of freshwater will induce spawning. The female will lay the eggs in the substrate beneath a root or rock where the male will fertilize them. After fertilization, the male will guard the eggs for approximately four days until the fry become waterborne.

The Bumblebee Goby requires a diet of  Hikari Micro Wafers, Hikari Micro Pellets, Sera Vipan, Sera San, Hikari Frozen Bloodworms and Hikari Frozen Brineshrimp.